While some people might think that not wearing a helmet is a cool riding style, we recommend you to wear a low profile motorcycle helmet that is DOT Certified. It is more of a necessity these days considering the high number of road accidents that occur every day, and the consequences of not wearing a helmet not only take a toll on your life but on everyone else’s involved in the accident.
If you are still pondering if you need to wear a motorcycle helmet, the following are some reasons you must consider wearing one. Of course, the first choice is getting a Micro DOT Beanie Half Shell Helmet that is DOT certified.
Bugs might irritate your scalp, but not if you are wearing a helmet: Suppose you are riding from an area that includes insect infestations like flies, bugs, moths, bees, etc. While vermins are a part of nature, those can be buzzing around your head when you are riding a bike. Not to mention that they might even bite you. Cut that picture by wearing a helmet.
Crashing on the bed and crashing on a bike is completely different: While we all love crashing -on the bed at the end of the night- crashing on a motorcycle sucks. So, if you don’t invest in a low-profile motorcycle helmet, you will sadly realize the cost of not wearing one when you wake up on a hospital bed. Motorcycle crashes are pretty rough, and the rider generally ends in an ICU of some nearby hospital. However, you can safeguard yourself from this fate by wearing a biker helmet that is DOT approved like a MICRODOT Helmet.
Helmets are disposable. Your brain is not: Your brain is not disposable, and keeping in mind that medical science hasn’t yet figured out a brain transplant, you might need to protect the one you have. Helmets are not that costly, and you can dispose of, replace them, or exchange them.
Neck injuries take a pretty bad toll on your spine: Without the lightest motorcycle helmet, you are putting your spine in danger. And I don’t need to remind you all that your Spinal Cord is the central connection point for all your joints and nerves. All in all crashes without a helmet can result in pretty gruesome neck injuries leaving your spine in bad shape.